In RealtyBackOffice, you can create additional transaction due dates based on the transaction type and the agent role.
You can also add reminders for the due dates. The system will send the reminders notifications to the Agent and Co-Agent of the transaction.
The Admin can customize the transaction’s due dates to match the company’s requirements. In this class, we will show you how to do it.
To do so, the Admin needs to go to Menu > Settings > Admin App Settings > Company/Office Settings > Transaction Due Dates > Add due Dates in the top right corner.
Then you need to add the name for this new Due Date and select the transaction types and agent roles to which you want to apply it.
Note that any changes to the settings area will apply moving forward, meaning to transactions created after making the changes.
Now that you have created the due dates, you can see them inside the transaction. To see the due dates go to Menu > Transactions > Select a transaction.
Once inside the transaction, go to the middle panel and scroll down to the very bottom, and you will be able to see the due date under due dates.
If you have any questions, please email us at or call us at (305) 517-3836.