Automated Email Notifications Templates

RealtyBackOffice provides Automated Email Notifications Templates to send to your Agents. You can customize these templates to match your company’s requirements, including your Company Logo.

In the video above, we will show you how you accomplish this.

To customize these email templates, the Admin needs to go to Menu > Settings > Admin App Settings > Company/Office Settings > Automated Email Notification Templates. Once in this setting, you have the option to modify the following email templates:

Welcome Email – This goes out to the Admins and Agents you added to the system once you have made their profile active.

Escrow Letter Request Approved Email – A request approved email goes out to your agents after you, the Admin, approves the escrow letter request the Agent will order if you hold escrow monies at your brokerage.

Commission Request Approved Email – This email goes out to your Agents once you approve the commission requests that your agents will order. Note that if you pay your agents directly, a commission request is the type of letter you want your agents to request.

Paid at Closing Request Approved Email – This email goes out once you approve the payday closing requests or the commission disbursement authorization letter that your agents will order If you allow your agents to get paid at closing by the title company.

Commission Demand Approved Email – This email goes out to your agents when you approve this request type, in case you use this type of letter at your brokerage. You can use this Commission demand letter in States where the brokerage needs to invoice the closing attorney for the gross commission.

Lead Assigned to Agent Email – This email goes out to the Agent when the Admin assigns a lead to the Agent.

To modify these templates hover over the template you want to edit, click on the three dots to the right of the template, and click Edit

Once inside the email template, you can personalize the email.

You can add your company logo. To do this, use the image tool in the email template editor and copy the Image URL in the URL Field. 

If you want to copy your logo URL from RealtyBackOffice, go to Menu > right-click on your logo > select Copy Image Address. You can now paste your Logo URL into the URL field. You can adjust the size if you would like to. Once you complete all the changes, click OK.

You can also rewrite the email or add shortcodes/merge fields to the email templates (hover over the shortcode tool in the email template editor to insert shortcodes). 

To add your signature, go to the pencil icon in the email template editor and draw your signature and click OK. 

After customizing the template to your office requirements, click on Save at the bottom right corner.

If you have any questions, please email us at or call us at (305) 517-3836.
