People Action Plans


RealtyBackOffice allows Admins and Agents to create customized Action Plans to follow up and keep in touch with past clients, customers and leads. 

To create your customized People Action Plan go to Menu > Settings > General Settings > Action Plans > Add Action Plan in the top right corner.

First, give a name to your Action Plan to identify it and its purpose, then select the Office where you want the Action Plan to be visible. 

After completing all the information, click Save to Save your Action Plan.

Locate the Action Plan you just created, hover over it, and click on the three dots on the right side to open the action plan. 

Once inside, you can add as many tasks as you want and customize the Action Plan to fit your company’s workflow. 

To add Tasks to your Action Plan, click on Add Action Plan Task in the top right corner.

First, under Action Plan Description, define the task name, which will be visible whenever the Action Plan task is due. 

If the task requires a document, checkmark the box “Check if the task requires a document.” 

You can also make the task Mandatory, Recommended, Non-Mandatory, or If- Applicable by selecting it from the drop-down menu under Task Type.  

If a task is Mandatory, the agents will not be able to make any changes to the due dates or delete it.

If the task is: Recommended, Non-Mandatory, or If-Applicable, the agents can change the due dates or delete it.

Then define who will be responsible for completing the task. We do recommend allowing Anyone to complete the tasks. When you select Anyone, the owner of the contact reference or the collaborators can complete the tasks.

The last step is to set up the due dates of the task. After adding all the information, click Save. 

After creating the Action Plans, the agents can use them under People or Leads.

To take advantage of the Action Plans, go to Menu > CRM > People> Select a Contact. 

Once inside the contact profile, go to the middle panel Action Plan > Add Action Plan.  

The system will display a window where the agents can Add a Description to the Action Plan they want to use, and they can select an Action Plan created by the Admin or created by them and select the date they want the Action Plan to start. Once all the information is uploaded, click Save.

Now you will see all the tasks on the right-hand side under Tasks. These tasks will provide a checklist for the agent with all the steps they need to complete to follow up with a client or a Lead. 

These Tasks will also be inside the Tasks module of RealtyBackOffice.

If the user integrated their RealtyBackOffice account with their Google Calendar, the Action Plan Tasks would also be in their Google Calendar.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at  or call us at (305) 517-3836